Selected Families and Individuals


Elijah Randolph BILLINGSLEY

Source:The Billingsley Fam in America p367

Nauvoo Sealings/Adoptions 25163 part 4

St. Geo Tem Bap/E 23055 part 10

Gibson co. TN records 5625 F Tenn G1B

The following notes added by Ben Parkinson:


1840 US Census Pontotoc County, Mississippi

Elijah Billingsby, 2 males and 2 females under 5, 1 of each 10-15, 1 male
30-40). Had no slaves.

(Elijah would be 33 or 34, Miriam 11, Barton 9, Tabitha 7, James 5, Joanna 3,
Archibald 1. This would account very roughly for everyone but Emeline.)

I couldn't find them in Iowa or Utah in 1850.

1860 US Census Provo, Utah, Utah age 53, F [probably = "Farmer"], born in
Tennessee. Emeline and 4 kids, and Mary and baby, all living with him.

1870 US Census Overton, Rio Virgen, Utah (later Nevada), age 64, day laborer,
born Tennessee. Living with Emeline, Mary, and 5 of Mary's children. They're
listed as two households, but they don't repeat last name, so not clear whether
it's two houses.

1880 US Census Orderville, Kane, Utah, age 73, Labour, Tennessee. Living with
Emiline, Mary, and several of Mary's children. "Elijah R."


Nauvoo Seventies List (in looseleaf notebook in reference area in LDS Archives)
says he was born 20 Nov 1806 in Knoxville, Knox County, Tennessee, that he was
baptized 20 Aug 1845 by James W. Cummings, that he was ordained 21 Aug 1845 by
Joseph Young, that his pariants were Jeptha and ..uianne Randell [Miriam], and
that he lived in Mississippi and Utah

First Quorum of Seventy record (LDS Archives CR 499 CR 3/51 Selections) says
the 30th Quorum of 70 was organized 31 Aug 1845 in Nauvoo with Elijah as the
19th member. It says he was born in Tennessee and lived in Pontotoc County,
Mississippi (i.e. in August 1845).

30th Quorum of Seventy record (LDS Archives CR 499 reel 91) gives a brief
genealogy on page 31: Elijah born 20 Nov 1806 in Knoxville, Tennessee, baptized
20 Aug 1845, ordained 21 Aug 1845, parents Jeptha and Miriam. The roll for 1859
lists him as a member living in Provo. A second genealogy after that gives the
same data, but gives the mother's name as Miriam Randell, baptized 20 Aug 1845
by James W. Cummings, Ordained 21 Aug 1845 by Jos. Young, living now in Provo.
His bishop wrote in 26 Mar 1859 to the quorum headquarters in SLC to confirm
his standing (doesn't quote letter or give details).

Susan Easton Black's "Membership of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day
Saints--1830-1848" gives info from Membership Card Index, Margetts, Minnie:

Baptized 1843 (no further date or place) by James Cummings.

Confirmed (no date or place) by Brigham Young

Baptized 20 Aug 1847 no place

No confirmation listed

Made a 70, 1845, Nauvoo, Hancock, Illinois (no more date)

Endowed 27 Mar 1852 in Endowment House (from IGI)

Sealed to Parents 21 Oct 1976 Salt Lake Temple (from IGI)

Residency: 1850-52 Salt Lake City


"1. Elijah's name appears in the St. George High Priests Quorum Record

2. Elijah went to the Muddy. There his house and property were burned. He moved
to Long Valley and on the way he received $100 from his son. Reference:
Membership Card Index, Margetts, Minnie"

I looked up the sources--I'm pretty sure the 1843 baptism was misread by Black.
None of the sources she list say 1843--they all say 1845 or 1847..

James Willard Cummings stayed with "Judge Billingsley" while on an LDS mission
in Pontotoc County, Mississippi, in the fall of 1843. See LDSCA MS 1408 1-3.
The history published by Cummings descendants confirms he was in Mississippi at
this time.


20 Aug 1845 Nauvoo (see seventies records above)

13 Oct 1850, Mill Creek Ward, Salt Lake Stake, confirmed same day, both by Ira
Eldredge. From Record of Members Index (MInnie Margetts file) LDSCA CR 100 33
reel 2.

28 Feb 1855 by Charles Vincent, confirmed by James Baird, in Provo Second Ward
(name transcribed as "Eliott Billingly". From Record of Members Index (MInnie
Margetts file) LDSCA CR 100 33 reel 2.


Elijah had himself, his parents, his wife, her parents, and various relatives
on the different lines, sealed to Patriarch John Smith 1 Apr 1886 St George.
His daughters Miriam Billingsley Adair and Martha Isabell Billingsley Fenn
acted as proxies.

NOTE: Pedigree Resource File CD 26; ; (Salt Lake City, UT: Intellectual
Reserve, Inc., 2001); ; ;

NOTE: Broderbund Software, INC., World Family Tree Vol. 2, Ed. 1; ; Release
date: November 29, 1995; Tree #2342; , Customer pedigree.Date of Import: 9 Apr

NOTE: Pedigree Resource File CD 25; ; (Salt Lake City, UT: Intellectual
Reserve, Inc., 2001); ; ;

NOTE: Pedigree Resource File CD 8; ; (Salt Lake City, UT: Intellectual
Reserve, Inc., 1999); ; ;

NOTE: Pedigree Resource File CD 3; ; (Salt Lake City, UT: Intellectual
Reserve, Inc., 1999); ; ;

NOTE: Pedigree Resource File CD 16; ; (Salt Lake City, UT: Intellectual
Reserve, Inc., 2000); ; ;

BIRTH: Broderbund Software, INC., World Family Tree Vol. 2, Ed. 1; ; Release
date: November 29, 1995; Tree #2342; , Customer pedigree.Date of Import: 9 Apr

DEATH: Broderbund Software, INC., World Family Tree Vol. 2, Ed. 1; ; Release
date: November 29, 1995; Tree #2342; , Customer pedigree.Date of Import: 9 Apr

!MARRIAGE:Broderbund Software, INC., World Family Tree Vol. 2, Ed. 1; ;
Release date: November 29, 1995; Tree #2342; , Customer pedigree.Date of
Import: 9 Apr 1998

!MARRIAGE:Broderbund Software, INC., World Family Tree Vol. 2, Ed. 1; ;
Release date: November 29, 1995; Tree #2342; , Customer pedigree.Date of
Import: 9 Apr 1998

Emaline Lovina Northcott

Source:The Billingsley Fam in America p367

Nauvoo Sealings/Adoptions 25163 part 4

St. Geo Tem Bap/E 23055 part 10

Gibson co. TN records 5625 F Tenn G1B

The following notes added by Ben Parkinson:

1860 US Census Provo, Utah, Utah age 53, born in Tennessee. Emeline and 4 kids,
and Mary and baby, all living with Elijah.

1870 US Census Overton, Rio Virgen, Utah (later Nevada), age 64, born
Tennessee. Living with Elijah, Mary, and 5 of Mary's children. They're listed
as two households, but they don't repeat last name, so not clear whether it's
two houses.

1880 US Census Orderville, Kane, Utah, age 73, "Wife," Tennessee. Living with
Elijah, Mary, and several of Mary's children. "Emiline."

Baptized 13 Oct 1850 Mill Creek Ward, Salt Lake City Stake. From Record of
Members Index (MInnie Margetts file) LDSCA CR 100 33 reel 2.

Baptized 28 Feb 1855 by Charles Vincent, confirmed by James Baird, in Provo
Second Ward. From Record of Members Index (MInnie Margetts file) LDSCA CR 100
33 reel 2.

NOTE: Pedigree Resource File CD 26; ; (Salt Lake City, UT: Intellectual
Reserve, Inc., 2001); ; ;

NOTE: Broderbund Software, INC., World Family Tree Vol. 2, Ed. 1; ; Release
date: November 29, 1995; Tree #2342; , Customer pedigree.Date of Import: 9 Apr

NOTE: Pedigree Resource File CD 25; ; (Salt Lake City, UT: Intellectual
Reserve, Inc., 2001); ; ;

NOTE: Pedigree Resource File CD 8; ; (Salt Lake City, UT: Intellectual
Reserve, Inc., 1999); ; ;

NOTE: Pedigree Resource File CD 3; ; (Salt Lake City, UT: Intellectual
Reserve, Inc., 1999); ; ;

NOTE: Pedigree Resource File CD 16; ; (Salt Lake City, UT: Intellectual
Reserve, Inc., 2000); ; ;

BIRTH: Broderbund Software, INC., World Family Tree Vol. 2, Ed. 1; ; Release
date: November 29, 1995; Tree #2342; , Customer pedigree.Date of Import: 9 Apr

DEATH: Broderbund Software, INC., World Family Tree Vol. 2, Ed. 1; ; Release
date: November 29, 1995; Tree #2342; , Customer pedigree.Date of Import: 9 Apr

!MARRIAGE:Broderbund Software, INC., World Family Tree Vol. 2, Ed. 1; ;
Release date: November 29, 1995; Tree #2342; , Customer pedigree.Date of
Import: 9 Apr 1998

Joanna Artina Billingsley

Source:The Billingsley Fam in America p367

Nauvoo Sealings/Adoptions 25163 part 4

St. Geo Tem Bap/E 23055 part 10

Gibson co. TN records 5625 F Tenn G1B

The following notes added by Ben Parkinson:


Baptized 13 Oct 1850 in Mill Creek Ward, Salt Lake City Stake. From Record of
Members Index (MInnie Margetts file) LDSCA CR 100 33 reel 2.

The Ancesral File says baptized in 1850, so perhaps this is a first baptism.


AF says born 5 May 1837 Pontotoc Co. Mississippi. Mill Creek baptism agrees.

NOTE: Pedigree Resource File CD 26; ; (Salt Lake City, UT: Intellectual
Reserve, Inc., 2001); ; ;

NOTE: Broderbund Software, INC., World Family Tree Vol. 2, Ed. 1; ; Release
date: November 29, 1995; Tree #2342; , Customer pedigree.Date of Import: 9 Apr

NOTE: Pedigree Resource File CD 8; ; (Salt Lake City, UT: Intellectual
Reserve, Inc., 1999); ; ;

NOTE: Pedigree Resource File CD 3; ; (Salt Lake City, UT: Intellectual
Reserve, Inc., 1999); ; ;

NOTE: Pedigree Resource File CD 16; ; (Salt Lake City, UT: Intellectual
Reserve, Inc., 2000); ; ;

BIRTH: Broderbund Software, INC., World Family Tree Vol. 2, Ed. 1; ; Release
date: November 29, 1995; Tree #2342; , Customer pedigree.Date of Import: 9 Apr

DEATH: Broderbund Software, INC., World Family Tree Vol. 2, Ed. 1; ; Release
date: November 29, 1995; Tree #2342; , Customer pedigree.Date of Import: 9 Apr

Margaret Josephine Billingsley

Source:The Billingsley Fam in America p367

Nauvoo Sealings/Adoptions 25163 part 4

St. Geo Tem Bap/E 23055 part 10

Gibson co. TN records 5625 F Tenn G1B

NOTE: Pedigree Resource File CD 26; ; (Salt Lake City, UT: Intellectual
Reserve, Inc., 2001); ; ;

NOTE: Broderbund Software, INC., World Family Tree Vol. 2, Ed. 1; ; Release
date: November 29, 1995; Tree #2342; , Customer pedigree.Date of Import: 9 Apr

NOTE: Pedigree Resource File CD 8; ; (Salt Lake City, UT: Intellectual
Reserve, Inc., 1999); ; ;

NOTE: Pedigree Resource File CD 3; ; (Salt Lake City, UT: Intellectual
Reserve, Inc., 1999); ; ;

NOTE: Pedigree Resource File CD 16; ; (Salt Lake City, UT: Intellectual
Reserve, Inc., 2000); ; ;

BIRTH: Broderbund Software, INC., World Family Tree Vol. 2, Ed. 1; ; Release
date: November 29, 1995; Tree #2342; , Customer pedigree.Date of Import: 9 Apr

DEATH: Broderbund Software, INC., World Family Tree Vol. 2, Ed. 1; ; Release
date: November 29, 1995; Tree #2342; , Customer pedigree.Date of Import: 9 Apr

Joseph Smith Northcott Billingsley

Source:The Billingsley Fam in America p367

Nauvoo Sealings/Adoptions 25163 part 4

St. Geo Tem Bap/E 23055 part 10

Gibson co. TN records 5625 F Tenn G1B

NOTE: Pedigree Resource File CD 26; ; (Salt Lake City, UT: Intellectual
Reserve, Inc., 2001); ; ;

NOTE: Broderbund Software, INC., World Family Tree Vol. 2, Ed. 1; ; Release
date: November 29, 1995; Tree #2342; , Customer pedigree.Date of Import: 9 Apr

NOTE: Pedigree Resource File CD 8; ; (Salt Lake City, UT: Intellectual
Reserve, Inc., 1999); ; ;

NOTE: Pedigree Resource File CD 3; ; (Salt Lake City, UT: Intellectual
Reserve, Inc., 1999); ; ;

NOTE: Pedigree Resource File CD 16; ; (Salt Lake City, UT: Intellectual
Reserve, Inc., 2000); ; ;

BIRTH: Broderbund Software, INC., World Family Tree Vol. 2, Ed. 1; ; Release
date: November 29, 1995; Tree #2342; , Customer pedigree.Date of Import: 9 Apr

DEATH: Broderbund Software, INC., World Family Tree Vol. 2, Ed. 1; ; Release
date: November 29, 1995; Tree #2342; , Customer pedigree.Date of Import: 9 Apr

Moroni Elijah Billingsley

Source:The Billingsley Fam in America p367

Nauvoo Sealings/Adoptions 25163 part 4

St. Geo Tem Bap/E 23055 part 10

Gibson co. TN records 5625 F Tenn G1B

1860 US Census Provo Utah age 12, born Iowa, living with family, attended
school that year. "Elijah M."

NOTE: Pedigree Resource File CD 26; ; (Salt Lake City, UT: Intellectual
Reserve, Inc., 2001); ; ;

NOTE: Broderbund Software, INC., World Family Tree Vol. 2, Ed. 1; ; Release
date: November 29, 1995; Tree #2342; , Customer pedigree.Date of Import: 9 Apr

NOTE: Pedigree Resource File CD 8; ; (Salt Lake City, UT: Intellectual
Reserve, Inc., 1999); ; ;

NOTE: Pedigree Resource File CD 3; ; (Salt Lake City, UT: Intellectual
Reserve, Inc., 1999); ; ;

NOTE: Pedigree Resource File CD 16; ; (Salt Lake City, UT: Intellectual
Reserve, Inc., 2000); ; ;

BIRTH: Broderbund Software, INC., World Family Tree Vol. 2, Ed. 1; ; Release
date: November 29, 1995; Tree #2342; , Customer pedigree.Date of Import: 9 Apr

DEATH: Broderbund Software, INC., World Family Tree Vol. 2, Ed. 1; ; Release
date: November 29, 1995; Tree #2342; , Customer pedigree.Date of Import: 9 Apr